MBTI Bingo: Observation & Insights

7 min readApr 20, 2020


II. Background

This whole personality bingo thing is really just a product of my inclination to procrastinate by doing other things I wanna do first.

The idea behind is quite simple: write as many “less” generic and “personal” or highly specific observations or nuances I’ve amassed of each personality type as I can and see what sticks (i.e. INTJ, french + the Prince). Coincidentally, I have a reasonable enough “sample size” of real-life people in each personality type to write this bingo whose types are confirmed — in this case, I knew more Intuitives than Sensors, and this is pretty much why I got to finish the former than the latter early.

III. Process

Figure 1. Sample of @mbtitime INTJ — the Strategist MBTI

In cognitive-function terms, it’s my Ne+Si in the works, and now my Te trying to make a systematic way of instilling order in the chaos in my brain. I had spent time recollecting, listing down people I know as I formulated and mapped out what stands out to me in each type, some good, some bad, and some are just trivial quirks (Yes, I’m aware of the overlap on some types as well as a few more known stereotypes).

All this, to put the tea in MBTI. :P

I tried to go through every tag, reply, and retweet and responded to nearly everyone messages who answered the MBTI template both on Instagram and Twitter — albeit, tirelessly, as there are over 700 DMs and replies via TWT & IG

I received roughly 100–170+ daily from when I posted it (Saturday, April 4, late evening for Intuitives and Tuesday, April 7, late afternoon when I posted Sensors, consistently for around 2 weeks).

It’s important to note that I don’t have actual numbers because it’s hard to track every single person with 7million+ reach, meaning to say, even if a lot of people tagged me, there are still plenty who didn’t. BUT, I did read the majority I’ve gotten from this little fun activity turned experiment enough to gather more internal patterns of those whom I believe to be their type.

Technically, this is still on-going, but the height of the thingamabob is over, now I’m able to breathe a little, hence the workings of this post.

Figure 2. Compiled Twitter Responses

IV. General Feedback + Observations

Number # 1

A lof these types who ended up questioning/discovering they’re:

















Table 1. The @mbtitime 16 Mistypes Table

Number # 2

A lot of people rely heavily on what they got on 16personalities (ha. no surprise, hence the avalanche of “mistypes” across the board)

Number # 3

Remarks, questions, or requests that stood out:

3.1. Where’s the Protagonist ~ Campaigner ~ Mediator ~ Architect?

Ans: These are names popularised by the website 16personalities, each type has other names

3.2. Can u make INFJ-A

Ans: Again, another thing popularised by 16personalities (the -A, -T)

3.3 Oh I’m actually The Architect not Strategist

Ans: It’s a different title for the same type

3.4 It’s the Mediator actually not the Healer

Ans: Only according to 16personalities

3.5 I got INTJ on 16P, but I relate with or INFJ more after seeing this / or I’m an INTJ but related more with INTP upon seeing this now and found I was actually INTP.

3.6 I’m INFJ but why do I think I’m more an INTJ?

3.7. My results say I’m INFJ on 16P but checked most boxes on INFP

3.8 I tick equal boxes on INFJ and INTJ — I guess I’m both?

3.9 I’m ENFP but right now I’m INFP / I’m INFJ but a perceiver sometimes

Number # 4

Several people think they can change their types based on their perceived level of introversion and intellectual rigor (analytical/logical ability)

“I’m INFP than ENFP cause I’m an ambivert or I’m INTJ than ENTJ because I need to recharge sometimes or I’m INTJ than INFJ because I’m detached+analytical (i.e., not as feely)”

Number # 5

The following types who are most assured of their type (granted they never got something else):







V. The 16personalities.com Problem

Usually, what throws people into being convinced they are their type is because of what they get from 16personalities and not doing further research — although, I DO NOT expect a younger demographic (<20) to easily and immediately just understand this, especially if they did the test for fun with no huge investment on learning more about it as well as other frameworks that exist, they live with believing they’re a certain type until such time someone tells or compels them to research.

And I do get it, this website is a stepping stone into getting interested in Psychology or a path to self-discovery. It’s just that due to the lack of research and disclaimers from the 16p website on how it isn’t the “MBTI + Cognitive Functions we know it to be”, they continue on with their lives, thus, answering the bingo with whatever cute little character pops out of click the “submit” button. (Heck, what is Cognitive Functions anyway? What IS Enneagram?)

Ha. Let’s net even get ourselves started with Socionics.

The thing is we can’t expect every person to do immediate research if they don’t even know what to look for (i.e., Jungian Functions)

People won’t just immediately distinguish what Myers-Briggs, Big5, Jungian Functions, and 16personalities. We can’t entirely blame people for not knowing any better, and I think 16personalities just further proves the power of character designing, branding, and marketing….and hearing good things about ourselves and what we could be. Lels.

VI. The Persuadables

Through this personality bingo, I managed to have discussions and answer some of the FAQs pertaining to type while encouraging them to not just trust online tests in general, more particularly, 16personalities because not only is it the MOST well-marketed personality test but because it tops in our google search results as well, all thanks to SEO and Ad Words.

I think explaining that it’s largely founded on an entirely different framework which is the Big5 and not actually “Myers-Briggs” is more of an eye-opener. I also shared they consider looking up cognitive functions of what I think their type and crossmatch it, so they can study on their own and verify it themselves.

Several people on my experience were more receptive to accepting they “might” be mistyped, based on contrasting differences in answering 2 or more

MBTI bingos. Ultimately, for me, it isn’t just a matter of know who is and isn’t mistyped but stirring healthy discussions and becoming more discerning of what they consume while doing their own research.

It was fun for me, not only did I finish tasks, this whole thing opened up a whole new world of meaningful and edifying conversations and opportunities.

VII. Conclusion

The nature of the game was designed to self-check and self-reveal, if not to themselves, but to me who is merely observing. And to anyone who’s curious, most people resonated and violently (but playfully reacted — in public and private) to the bingo, especially to those who were “sure” of their types.

This was a great opportunity to have discussions with people whom I found to have “questionable”, if not, contradicting “traits and types”. Thankfully, most of these people were receptive and were more than willing to listen and research on it on their own. I’m not saying I know everything, this is why I always encourage these people to verify it themselves. But I try not to insist or be imposing, so I usually, just give a playful nudge letting them know about giving another potential type a second thought.

The thing is, whether or not it’s a matter of nature, nurture, or confirmation bias — only the person who dares to do more research will know what their real personality type is.


I would like to take this as an opportunity to thank everyone who did the MBTI Bingo and even shared it! Even if it was all just for fun. I’m grateful because I learned a lot from you guys and have met a number of cool people along the way. Many of you were of great encouragement to continue creating, learning, and improving. My apologies for going attack on titan y’all and exposing some secrets, lels. I enjoyed making these, I mean, I won’t deny that some thought validation’s nice. hehe.


@mbtitime, INFP




Written by mbtitime

I’m that awkward moment between your birth and death. Just a normie with a hobby. #INFP

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